Friday, November 29, 2013

Positive change continues.... - an update about ECO-V activities

I feel really bad about not posting any thing on our blog since July. I don't know how I ignored it as usually we were good at updating our friends and well wishers. I am sure you will forgive us. Our silence does not mean that we were not working. I think its just the busy work schedule we had at ECO-V and only focused on working but not on reporting.
It’s almost the end of the year and now should get ready for coming year. As a duty I am going to update you all about what was going on with us at ECO-V for last few months.

Our two programmes on working with kids were progressing well for past 6 months.  Establishing the Butterfly garden at School for Deaf is very interesting and many volunteers and students and even staff members of the school are working with us on every Friday. We planted few plants and let the grass grow naturally so that few butterflies have started coming to the area. We have noticed 4 different species so far where there were none when we started. Can you remember it was a garbage dump when we started working there. Kids and volunteers are painting the wall around the garden area to make it more attractive. So we all are waiting until plants grow and start giving us flowers so that we will be able to see more and more butterflies in near future.  
Garbage dump at School for Deaf

Cleaning garbage by ECO-V volunteers

Cleaning by children of School for Deaf

Wall painting and flower bed preparation

ECO-V Volunteer Madhubhashini guiding kids to draw butterflies on wall

The best news is, our volunteer for this programme Ayomi Withanage who was contesting for Miss Sri Lanka for Miss earth 2013 became the winner of the title  "Miss Green Sri Lanka" just because of her work at Butterfly Garden at School for Deaf. She also was the 3rd runner up in Miss Sri Lanka 2013 for Miss Earth. So we all at ECO-V are very please about her success. She still continues supporting us whenever time permits.
Ayomi working in our programmes
kanchana and Ayomi  - "Miss Green"