Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Vesak – the most important religious festival for Buddhists

We celebrated the most important religious festival for Buddhists in Sri Lanka on 15th and 16th of May. Vesak which is for Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and death is the most colorful festival that celebrated by Sri Lankan Buddhists.
We had a huge enthusiasm to do something to celebrate this festival in our area. Neighbours in our area got together weeks before the festival .They decided to decorate the lane and let the kids participate in community activities. We decorated the street with Buddhist flags and then on Vesak day we lighted lanterns and hung them on bamboo trees that we planted (cut shoots were planted on ground just for few days to hang the lanterns). The kids who come for ECO-V kids programs enjoyed these decorations and learnt about the festival too. The beauty of the event was participation of Christian neighbours who participated enthusiastically at the event by giving us bamboo trees and lighting the lanterns on Vesak day. Isn’t this a wonderful event which shows social cohesion?

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